Dr. Orzo

A mad scientist from a destroyed alternate timeline, he takes up Gero's mantle in using technology to establish Humanity at the very top.


Despite viewing himself as the greatest mind in the universe, Orzo is generally polite and nonchalant with a tendency for dry humor and flattery. Recieving said flattery himself can often leave him flustered.However, he sees anyone with a soul as potential food and his ability to casually take a life on a whim makes him unpredictable.

Basic Info

Name : Dr. Manic OrzoAge: 53Race: Super Jinzouningen (Enhanced Human) (Possibly Demon for yeeting 99% of the good in his heart)Occupation: Founder/Head Scientist for the Red Ribbon Empire

Fighting Style

An inventor first and fighter last, Orzo loathes physical exertion. When he does opt to fight hand-to-hand, he does so with laid-back, minimalist, low-effort-high-impact grace.Despite knowing the fundamentals of ki, Orzo opted to use his Infinite Engine before that was overtaxed by his draining-yet-devastating Silver Mist.

Black Metal Mist

Combining Red Ribbon and Ghetti Star tech, Orzo became a Super Jinzouningen (enhanced human or cyborg) with an Infinite Engine on top of the ability to repair and adapt to any damage. This made the doctor unstoppable in his timeline until a surprise encounter with the Omni-King's timeline erasure forced Orzo's genius and tech to their limits as he invented a way to survive in the nanoseconds of existence he had left.A cloud of nanomachines with a hive-mind controlled by Orzo himself, they have the ability to near-instantly suppress even destruction energy. Furthermore, they can be shaped into whatever Orzo sees fit be it as simple as a prosthetic arm or as complex as an android.However, doing so is a massive drain to the point where it siphons far more energy than Orzo's infinite engine can output. This forces the doctor to find outside sources of energy like ki or souls/life energy.This is unsustainable and they are likely to disobey and even attack him as their hunger for energy grows.

Blackmetal Mist Techniques

Due to the flexible and adaptable nature of the Black Metal Mist, this is no way an exhaustive listBlack Nimbus: Orzo shapes his Black Mist into a cloud he can float around and fly at immense speed on. A low energy/effort way to fly.The Black Kiss: Should Orzo inject his Black Mist into someone, he can choose to have the nanomachines enhance and transform the person. This results in a 1.1 billion times boost in power level (the multipliers of Red Ribbon and Ghetti Star combined), regenerative healing, Ghetti Star pseudo-zenkais, vibrant pink eyes and sharp fangs. In return all of one's soul and the good in their heart is drained, replaced with an Infinite Engine and a powerful craving for energy. Orzo controls his Enthralled through subtle commands that can't easily be disobeyed, but can be obeyed in whatever way they choose.Mist Fighters: Orzo shapes his Mist into hellish androids with power similar to Meta Cooler. Like Meta Cooler, these androids will grow stronger with damage, becoming impervious to whatever harmed them last. Orzo can control them utterly.Black Gate: Orzo forms a portal out of Blackmetal Mist.Obsidian Blade: An elegant sword made of solidified Silver Mist. It absorbs energy.Void Cannon: A heavy black revolver with a 12" barrel made of Mist. It offers a surprising and visceral death to those that mistake it for a normal gun.Black Arena: Orzo covers the battlefield in a fog of Black Metal Mist that gradually absorbs the energy of everyone in it while obscuring vision and ki-sense.

NSFW/Shipping Info

Orzo is specifically attracted to individuals who are intelligent, female-passing and meet his relatively loose standards for physical beauty (read: bottom heavy) regardless of their genitalia. though a penis is preferred
He is a Vers. SwitchShipping
Very few manage to get the Doctor to see them as more than prey, but impress him and he will stave off his thirst for your soul for as long as you remain interesting or in his good graces.
Over time this may blossom into something more wholesomeHis masculinity is secure and he has no problems assuming traditionally female roles in a relationship like being romanced and pampered. Being bad with expressing emotions means he often needs to be reminded to do so himself, but he is nevertheless concerned with and committed to his partners's happiness.If you can look past his evil science, plans to usurp the Omni-King, and diet of life energy, he will happily spend the rest of the short time he has left with you.